Now is the time to determine which items you wish to take to your new residence. Items that you don’t need should either be donated to charity or sold at a garage sale. You may consider teaming up with your neighbors who want to sell some of their belongings, and plan a neighborhood "sale".
If you plan on packing your own items, start collecting suitable packing supplies. You can purchase all these materials from any van line agent or a moving supply company. The boxes you purchase should be specially designed for moving household goods to prevent damage to your belongings.
Think about the layout of your new residence and where you'll place the furniture. Create a floor plan that will ease the stress of making decisions once the furniture arrives.
Get familiar with your new community. Request information on schools, community programs, parks and recreation from the local Chamber of Commerce.
Now is the best time to make your travel arrangements (hotel, flights, car rental, etc.). Try to keep your travel plans flexible to accommodate any last-minute changes or delays.
Keep all receipts for moving-related expenses in a designated moving folder. Many moving expenses are tax deductible. Obtain an IRS Change of Address form (Form 8822), by calling (800) 829-1040 or go to You can download and print Form 8822 and most other IRS tax forms; e.g. (Form 3903) to help deduct moving expenses.
Insurance, medical and dental records should be placed in a safe, accessible place. Also include prescription and vaccination records. Plan on taking all vital documents such as: wills, stock certificates and other one-of-a kind items (jewelry, coin collection, photos, etc.) separately.